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i. Access Token Check

API : BSA.loadAccessToken

if let token = BSA.loadAccessToken() {
	// While Holding Access Token

else {
	// No Access Token



  • If no Access Token is stored, it returns nil.
  • The Access Token is stored internally in the SDK when the basic authentication logic is successfully completed through AutoAuthenticator.
  • Most user-related functions such as query, authentication type change, and withdrawal require the Access Token.          

ii. AutoAuthenticator

API : BSA.AutoAuthenticator()

// authenticator
let autoAuthenticator = BSA.AutoAuthenticator()

// parameters
let qrId: String? = nil
let pushData: BSA.FCM.PushData?  = nil
let clientKey = "a1hrg2xv..."

guard let userKey = BSA.loadUserKey() else {
	return false

guard let deviceId = BSA.loadDeviceID() else {
	return false

let otpAuth = false

let sendPush = false
let localAuthType = BSA.loadLocalAuthType() ?? .BIOMETRIC
let usePasscodeWhenFailed = false

// setData
autoAuthenticator.setData(qrId: qrId, 
						  pushData: pushData, 
						  clientKey: clientKey, 
						  userKey: userKey,
						  deviceId: deviceId, 
						  otpAuth: otpAuth, 
						  sendPushMessage: sendPush,
						  localAuthType: localAuthType, 
						  usePasscodeWhenFailed: usePasscodeWhenFailed)
// setEvent
.setEvent(onProcessing: { [weak self] processDescription in

	// onProcessing operates in the background thread, so processing such as UI must be done in the main thread.
	DispatchQueue.main.async {
		// Process Verification
		var processName = ""
		switch(processDescription) {
			case .StartAuth:
				processName = "Start Authentication"

		self?.labelProcess.text = processName


}, onSuccess: { [weak self] in

	// Authentication Success

}, onCancel: { [weak self] in

	// Authentication Canceled

}, onFailed: { [weak self] rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Authentication Failed

}, onError: { [weak self] error in

	// Invocation Error

}, onTotalLog: { [weak self] totalLog in

	// Invocation Log

}).start() // Start Authentication


autoAuthenticator.setData(qrId: String?, 
						  pushData: BSA.FCM.PushData?, 
						  clientKey: String, 
						  userKey: String, 
						  deviceId: String,
						  otpAuth: Bool, 
						  sendPushMessage: Bool,
						  localAuthType: BSA.Enums.LocalAuthType,
						  usePasscodeWhenFailed: Bool) -> AutoAuthenticator
qrIdString?QR recognition result. If it's not QR authentication, it's nil.
pushDataBSA.FCM.PushData?Authentication data received via push. If it's not Push Message Authentication, it's nil.
clientKeyStringClient's unique key
deviceIdStringUUID processed by the SDK.
otpAuthBoolCheck if it's OTP authentication.
sendPushMessageBoolCheck if a push message should be sent.
LocalAuthTypeBSA.Enums.LocalAuthTypeLocal Authentication Type
userPasscodeWhenFailedBoolDetermine whether to use passcode in case of biometric authentication failure.

			onProcessing: @escaping (BSA.Enums.ProcessDescription) -> (),
			onSuccess: @escaping () -> (),
			onCancel: @escaping () -> (),
			onFailed: @escaping BSA.APICaller.OnFailed,
			onError: @escaping BSA.APICaller.OnError,
			onTotalLog: @escaping BSA.APICaller.OnTotalLog) -> AutoAuthenticator
onProcessing(BSA.Enums.ProcessDescription) -> ()Name of the currently processing process.
onSuccess() -> ()Called on success.
onCancel() -> ()Called on Cancel.
onFailedOnFailedCallback function called on API processing failure.
onErrorOnErrorCallback function called on error.
onTotalLogOnTotalLogCallback function to receive all logs generated during API calls.




  • When using AutoAuthenticator, you must call setData and setEvent before callingstart.
  • After calling start, it automatically performs all authentication processes (authentication start -> blockchain node verification -> local authentication -> authentication completion).
    • onProcessing is called with the name of the authentication process when that authentication process starts.
  • If authentication is successful, the authentication token issued by the authentication is stored internally in the SDK (It's Called an AccessToken).
    • Caution: If you proceed with QR or push authentication, a token will not be issued.
    • Depending on the removeToken parameter when calling BSA.initialize, this token can be deleted or preserved.
  • For the otpAuth parameter in setData, you should put the otpAuth value from push data.
    • If it's not Push Message Authentication, it's false.
  • Select and use the clientKey appropriately internally according to QR, Push, and Basic Authentication.        

ii-i. Basic Authentication

  • When requesting authentication for the purpose of obtaining Access Token to use other APIs.
  • If the parameters of setData are set as below, it's Basic Authentication.
// parameters
let qrId: String? = nil
let pushData: BSA.FCM.PushData?  = nil
let otpAuth = false


ii-ii. QR Authentication

var qrHelper = BSA.QRHelper()

var cameraParent: UIView = "Parent View with Camera Preview"

// Check Camera Permission
qrHelper.checkCameraPermission(onGranted: { [weak self] in

	// Start QR Parsing Logic
	self?.qrHelper.startQR(cameraParent: cameraParent, 
					   onPreviewLayerAdded: { cameraParent, previewLayer in

		// UI handling 

	}, onSuccess: { [weak self] qrData in
		// QR Recognition Successful
		self?.data.qrData = qrData

	}, onFailed: { [weak self] qrError in
		 // QR Recognition Failed

}, onDenied: {
	// No Permission
  • If you want to proceed with QR Authentication, obtain QRData using BSA.QRHelper and then set qrId: String? in AuthAuthenticator's setData.

If a QR process already exists

var qrHelper = BSA.QRHelper()

let qrData = qrHelper.parseData(code: "String that parses the QR code")

if qrData.qrResult { //If the authentication QR code for BSA is correct

	// TODO: action on success

} else { //When the QR code is not in the correct form (when it is not a related QR code)

	// TODO: Action on failure

  • If there is a QR process, you can call qrHelper.parseData() on the string that parsed the QR and use the resulting value.


ii-iii. Push Message Authentication

  • If you want to proceed with Push Message Authentication, set the pushData obtained through the callback of BSA.FCM.registerPushNotificationProcessor as pushData: BSA.FCM.PushData? inAuthAuthenticator's setData.
    • Refer to the FCM Setup and Configuration Guide for details.


ii-iv. OTP Authentication

  • There are two methods for OTP authentication:
      1. Press OTP authentication after entering the UserID in a different platform(web) and receive push first.
      1. Press OTP authentication without entering the UserID in a different platform(web) and receive OTP number first.
  • For the first method, after successful Push Message Authentication, receive the OTP number and enter it in the requesting platform.
  • For the second method, first call BSA.APICaller.issuanceOTPNumber to receive the OTP number, then enter it in the requesting platform and proceed with Push Message Authentication.


Issuance OTP Number

API : BSA.APICaller.issuanceOTPNumber
BSA.APICaller.issuanceOTPNumber(onSuccess: { [weak self] otpNumber in

	// Issuance Successful

}, onTokenExpired: { [weak self] rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Token Expired

}, onFailed: { rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Invocation Failure

}, onError: { error in

	// Invocation Error

}, onTotalLog: { text in

	// Invocation Log

}, onCompleted: { 

	// invocation completed

}, disposeBag: disposeBag)

OTP Issuance Cancellation

API : BSA.APICaller.IssuanceCancelForOTPNumber
let otpNumber = "226339" // OTP Number to Cancel

BSA.APICaller.IssuanceCancelForOTPNumber(otpNumber: otpNumber,
onSuccess: { [weak self] otpNumber in

	// Cancellation of Issuance Successful

}, onTokenExpired: { [weak self] rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Token Expired

}, onFailed: { rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Invocation Failure

}, onError: { error in

	// Invocation Error

}, onTotalLog: { text in

	// Invocation Log

}, onCompleted: { 

	// invocation completed

}, disposeBag: disposeBag)


ii-v. TOTP Authentication

  • TOTP is used as an alternative for authentication when network connectivity is not available.
  • SignUp or Register New Device must proceed successfully.
    • Use BSA.loadTOTPSecretKey() issued during SignUp or Register New Device to internally generate TOTP numbers.
let result = BSA.TOTP.generateTOTP()

if let totpNumber = result.number {
	// Successful TOTP Number Generation
else {
	// If result.number is nil, it's an error


iii. Authentication Cancellation

API : BSA.APICaller.requestCancelAuth

guard let deviceId = BSA.loadDeviceID() else {

guard let userKey = BSA.loadUserKey() else {

BSA.APICaller.requestCancelAuth(qrId: nil, 
								clientKey: "a1hrg2xv...", 
								deviceId: deviceId, 
								userKey: userKey, 
								sendPushMessage: false, 
onSuccess: {
	// Successful Invocation

}, onTokenExpired: { [weak self] rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Token Expired

}, onFailed: { [weak self] rtCode, resultMessage in

	// Invocation Failure

}, onError: { [weak self] error in

	// Invocation Error

}, onTotalLog: { text in

	// Invocation Log

}, onCompleted: { 

	// invocation completed

}, disposeBag: disposeBag)


BSA.APICaller.requestCancelAuth(qrId: String?, 
				clientKey: String, 
				deviceId: String, 
				userKey: String, 
				sendPushMessage: Bool,
				onSuccess: @escaping () -> (),
				onTokenExpired: @escaping BSA.APICaller.OnTokenExpired,
				onFailed: @escaping OnFailed, 
				onError: @escaping OnError,
				onTotalLog: @escaping OnTotalLog? = nil,
				onCompleted: @escaping onCompleted? = nil,
				disposeBag: DisposeBag)
qrIdString?QR recognition result. If it's not QR authentication, it's nil.
clientKeyStringClient's unique key
deviceIdStringUUID processed by the SDK.
sendPushMessageBoolCheck if a push message should be sent.
onSuccess() -> ()Called on success.
onTokenExpiredonTokenExpiredFunction called when token expires. Same format as onFailed
onFailedOnFailedCallback function called on API processing failure.
onErrorOnErrorCallback function called on error.
onTotalLogOnTotalLogCallback function to receive all logs generated during API calls.
onCompletedonCompletedCalled at the end after all processes are completed.
disposeBagDisposeBagDisposeBag variable to manage RxSwift Disposable objects.


  • When cancellation is needed during authentication, you can request it.
    • When this API is called, the operations of AutoAuthenticator are canceled.
  • When canceling during QR Authentication request, qrId is required.          

iv. Biometric Authentication Re-registration

  • If biometric authentication information (FaceID, TouchID) changes after SignUp or Register New Device, it will fail in Auth-Logic.
  • If it has changed:
    • BSA.APICaller.requestOTPNumberSend
    • BSA.APICaller.verifyOTPNumber
    • BSA.LocalAuth.startSimpleAuth
  • If performed in sequence, the biometric authentication information will be updated.
    • Detailed API information can be found in the SignUp Guide.
    • Biometric authentication information itself can be resolved by calling BSA.LocalAuth.startSimpleAuth, but for security, OTP number must be requested and authenticated.